SAQA ID: 61595; NQF Level 4, Credits 140
This Qualification is intended to enhance the provision of service within the field of Administration within all business and non-commercial sectors. The Qualification ensures progression of learning, enabling the learner to meet standards of service excellence required within the Administration field of learning, through building day-to-day Administration skills as well as general operational competencies. It will provide the broad knowledge, skills and values needed in the Administration field for all business and non-commercial sectors and will facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within, education and training.
The Qualification offers the learner knowledge and skills in:
- the Management of Records;
- Comprehension of Written and Verbal Texts;
- Business Writing;
- Problem Solving;
- Ethics;
- Cultural Awareness;
- Self-Management and Self Development;
- Project Teamwork;
- Business Policies and Procedures.
The Qualification enables the learner to specialise in areas of Administration such as Reception, Executive Administration, Financial Literacy, Relationship Management, Legal Knowledge, Communication, Project Administration and Support, Call Centre Administration and Human Resources.
SAQA ID: 59097; NQF Level 4, Credits 150
This Qualification is for any individual who is or wishes to be involved in the property and Real Estate industry. It serves to support and advance the functioning of individuals in this industry. The attainment of the Qualification represents the prerequisite for admission to the professional examination for estate agents, to be conducted by the Estate Agency Affairs Board, the successful completion of which will entitle the candidate to be registered as a non-principal estate agent by the Estate Agency Affairs Board.
A learner will be able to complete the Qualification with a specialisation in Real Estate or Valuation. The core unit standards are relevant to each area of specialisation.
The Qualification will facilitate access to, mobility within and progression along a learning path for learners who:
- Were previously disadvantaged or who were unable to complete their schooling and were therefore denied access to Further Education and Training;
- Have worked in Real Estate for many years, but have no formal Qualification in Real Estate or property;
- Wish to extend their range of skills and knowledge of the industry so that they can become competent workers in the property industry.
The Qualification consists of building blocks that can be developed further and will lead to a more specialised learning path in Property and Real Estate at higher NQF levels. It focuses on the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes required to progress further. The intention is:
- To promote the development of knowledge, skills and values that are required in Property and Real Estate;
- To help learners realise their potential in the field and;
- to provide opportunities for people to progress to levels of authority and responsibility in the Real Estate sector.
Successful learners will be able to apply to the Estate Agency Affairs Board for registration as non-principal estate agents.
SAQA ID: 57712; LP74630; NQF Level 4, Credits 150
This qualification is intended for junior managers of small organisations, junior managers of business units in medium and large organisations, or those aspiring to these positions.
The focus of this qualification has been designed to enable learners to be competent in a range of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values including:
- Gathering and analysing information;
- Analysing events that impact on a business and its competitive environment;
- Complying with organisational standards;
- Motivating an individual or team;
- Negotiating in a work situation;
- Understanding the role of business strategy as it applies to junior management;
- Managing the budget within a specific area of responsibility;
- Applying management principles and practices within a specific area of responsibility;
- Managing work unit performance to achieve goals;
- Behaving ethically and promoting ethical behaviour in a work situation;
- Demonstrating understanding of the consequences in a work unit of HIV/AIDS.
The qualification introduces key terms, rules, concepts, principles and practices of management that will enable learners to be informed managers in any occupation. It has also been developed to enable managers or prospective managers to access higher education and provide flexible access to life-long learning.
SAQA ID: 57712; LP63333; NQF Level 4, Credits 150
The qualification introduces key terms, rules, concepts, principles and practices of management that will enable learners to be informed managers in any occupation. It has also been developed to enable managers or prospective managers to access higher education and provide flexible access to life-long learning.
The focus of this qualification has been designed to enable learners to be competent in a range of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values including:
- Gathering and analysing information;
- Analysing events that impact on a business and its competitive environment;
- Complying with organisational standards;
- Motivating an individual or team;
- Negotiating in a work situation;
- Understanding the role of business strategy as it applies to junior management;
- Managing the budget within a specific area of responsibility;
- Applying management principles and practices within a specific area of responsibility;
- Managing work unit performance to achieve goals;
- Behaving ethically and promoting ethical behaviour in a work situation;
- Demonstrating understanding of the consequences in a work unit of HIV/AIDS.
It is intended to empower learners to acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required to operate confidently as individuals in the South African community and to respond to the challenges of the economic environment and changing world of work. Ultimately, this qualification is aimed at improving the productivity and efficiency of managers within all occupations in South Africa.
SAQA ID: 50080; NQF Level 4 Credits 136
The primary purpose of the qualification is to provide learners with a foundation of basic project management knowledge and skills which can be used to build further project management related competencies.
Learners will become competent as effective project team members and will be able to provide administrative support to a project manager and team members. They will be able to provide assistance to a project manager of medium to large projects. Through the elective component, learners will have the option of specialising in either becoming competent in planning, executing and controlling small, simple projects, or in technical areas to support project management processes.
SAQA ID: 57712; LP93950 NQF Level 4, Credits 150
This qualification will be useful to people who operationalise some aspects of the core processes and practices at a basic level across the four role clusters in human resources management and practices:
- Strategic planning for human resources management and practices;
- Acquisition, development and utilisation of people;
- Establishment and improvement of labour and employee relations;
- Compensation and administration related to human resources management and practices.
Holders of the qualification will be able to operationalise some aspects of the core human resources management processes at a basic level and integrate them into an organisation's business processes.
Holding the qualification will enable holders to enter learning programmes for a generalist degree in Human Resources Management and Practices.
SAQA 59201; LP 66069; NQF level 5, Credits 162 (163)
A person acquiring this qualification will be able to manage first line managers in an organisational entity. First line managers may include team leaders, supervisors, junior managers, section heads and foremen. The focus of this qualification is to enable learners to develop competence in a range of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values including:
- Initiating, developing, implementing and evaluating operational strategies, projects and action plans, and where appropriate, recommending change within teams and/or the unit so as to improve the effectiveness of the unit;
- Monitoring and measuring performance and applying continuous or innovative improvement interventions in the unit in order to attain its desired outcomes, including customer satisfaction, and thereby contributing towards the achievement of the objectives and vision of the entity;
- Leading a team of first line managers, by capitalising on the talents of team members and promoting synergistic interaction between individuals and teams, to enhance individual, team and unit effectiveness in order to achieve the goals of the entity;
- Building relationships using communication processes both vertically and horizontally within the unit, with superiors and with stakeholders across the value chain to ensure the achievement of intended outcomes;
- Applying the principles of risk, financial and knowledge management and business ethics within internal and external regulatory frameworks in order to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the unit;
- Enhancing the development of teams and team members through facilitating the acquisition of skills, coaching, providing career direction, and capitalising on diversity in the unit.
The skills, knowledge and understanding demonstrated within this qualification are essential for the creation of a talent pool of experienced and effective middle managers that represents the demographics of the South African society. This qualification will create a leadership cadre for the South African society throughout multiple industries and sectors both private and public.
SAQA ID: 61592; LP: 49692; NQF Level 5, Credits 249
This diploma will be useful to people who operationalise some aspects of the core processes and practices at a basic level across the four role clusters in human resources management and practices:
- Strategic planning for human resources management and practices;
- Acquisition, development and utilisation of people;
- Establishment and improvement of labour and employee relations;
- Compensation and administration related to human resources management and practices.
Holders of the qualification will be able to operationalise some aspects of the core human resources management processes at a basic level and integrate them into an organisation's business processes.
Holding the qualification will enable holders to enter learning programmes for a generalist degree in Human Resources Management and Practices.
SAQA ID: 93994, LP 94079; NQF Level 5, Credits 246
This diploma will be useful to people that would like to underpin a career in the Labour Relations arena within South Africa.
A large number of the competencies developed in the qualification are rooted in actual South African workplace practice and should lead to greater productivity resulting from the improved performance by the learner through the integration of knowledge and workplace practices as presented within the scope of this qualification.
Specific purpose of this qualification include:
- Equip learners who might be panellists/commissioners to identify and conciliate disputes in the labour relations sector, using conciliation, arbitration and mediation processes relating to the underlying principles of Labour Relations legislation and associated Human Resource Development legislation;
- Provide career paths through associated learnerships at various levels in areas of the Labour Relations environment;
- Provide for mobility of learning into associated areas such as Human Resource Practice, Arbitration, Consulting, Public service etc;
- Equip learners to become effective employees, employers and/or self-employed members of society;
- Develop a richer learning environment in the field of Labour Relations through high-quality lifelong learning;
- Improve the Labour Relations skills of employees in the sector;
- Enable the learner to assist within his/her community and thereby contribute towards social and economic transformation;
- Ensure the development of competence in the Labour Relations field, which is an important arena for social and economic transformation in the country.
The Qualification is designed to meet the needs of the learners who are already employed and involved in the fields of Labour Relations and/or Labour Law. Additionally, it will also meet the needs and aspirations of the unemployed who wish to pursue a career in Labour Relations and associated fields.