Unit Standard Aligned Workshops (Accredited)
These individual Unit Standard can be grouped together to create a Short Learning Programme designed by you to meet your company’s own unique requirements
We can also adapt, amend or develop any of the unit standard aligned workshops below to suit the needs of our clients and present these workshops as non-credit bearing workshops.
US 9973
(8 credits towards FETC: Human Resource Management SAQA 6743)
The purpose of this Unit Standard is to enable learners to apply basic business principles to sell their services, manage payment processing and conduct business in an ethical, professional manner. The ability to deal with customers and their complaints is enhanced, to further ensure sustainability of the business.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Sell Services;
- Process Payments;
- Deal with customers.
US 117495
(8 credits towards FETC: Human Resource Management SAQA 6743)
The purpose of this Unit Standard is to enable learners to demonstrate the ability to apply the required legal requirements in the performance of relevant business activities. Special emphasis is drawn to contracts primarily used in the business context.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the nature, role, history and sources of South African Law;
- Assess the legal rules that relate to the validity of various contracts;
- Demonstrate an understanding of the rights and duties of parties to a contract;
- Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant terms and concepts used within contracts.
US 12135
(3 credits towards FETC: Human Resource Management SAQA 6743)
This unit standard is intended for any person who needs to represent a stakeholder with respect to employment relations. Persons credited with this unit standard are able to represent a stakeholder with respect to employment relations issues.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Identify issues for discussion, consultation or negotiation;
- Prepare to participate in relevant forum;
- Represent constituency in relevant forum;
- Provide feedback to stakeholder/s.
US 120379
(8 credits towards FETC: Human Resource Management SAQA 6743)
Learners accessing this standard will be working as a leader in the context of a small project / sub-project involving few resources and having a limited impact on stakeholders and the environment or working as a contributing team member on a medium to large project when not a leader. These projects may be technical projects, business projects or developmental projects and will cut across a range of economic sectors. This standard will also add value to learners who are running their own business and recognise that project management forms an integral component of any business.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of working as a member of a team;
- Collaborate with other team members to improve performance;
- Participate in building relations between team members and other stakeholders;
- Respect personal, ethical, religious and cultural differences to enhance interaction between team members;
- Use a variety of strategies to deal with potential or actual conflict in a project team.
US 10170
(3 credits towards FETC: Human Resource Management SAQA 6743)
This unit standard is intended for persons who hold, or seek to hold, a supervisor or shop steward position. Persons credited with this unit standard are able to contribute to the effective functioning of an organisation by understanding the roles of various stakeholders in the organisation, and understanding agreements, policies and procedures related to employment in the organisation.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Demonstrate understanding of the various stakeholders and their roles in an organisation;
- Demonstrate understanding of organisational policies and procedures related to employment;
- Demonstrate understanding of employment related agreements.
US 10983
(5 credits towards FETC: Human Resource Management SAQA 6743)
This unit standard is intended for persons who are, or seek to be, specialists in human resources management. Persons credited with this unit standard are able to participate in the development and implementation of an organisation`s equity related plans and policies, to communicate these plans and policies to stakeholders and to contribute to their monitoring and evaluation.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Participate in the development of relevant equity related plans and policies;
- Communicate equity related plans and policies to stakeholders;
- Participate in the implementation of agreed equity related plans and policies;
- Participate in the implementation of agreed equity related plans and policies.
US 10978
(10 credits towards FETC: Human Resource Management SAQA 6743)
This unit standard is intended for people who recruit and select people for defined positions. Persons credited with this unit standard are able to prepare, recruit and select suitable candidates according to ability and potential. This unit standard can be applied across both the formal and informal sectors.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Plan and prepare for recruitment and selection;
- Recruit applicants;
- Select staff.
US 10980
(6 credits towards FETC: Human Resource Management SAQA 6743)
This unit standard is intended for people who are involved in or heading up the organisational development function and/or managing human resource initiatives within an organisation. Persons credited with this unit standard are able to plan, prepare, manage and evaluate the process to induct new entrants in an organisation.
In particular, on cmpletion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Compile Induction plan for new entrant/s;
- Prepare environment to accommodate new entrant;
- Manage general organisational orientation process;
- Implement and monitor job specific induction;
- Evaluate effectiveness of induction process.
US 14551
(4 credits towards FETC: Human Resource Management SAQA 6743)
This Unit Standard is intended for people who work in the field of Local Employment and Skills Development Practices. It could, however, be utilised in other related fields as well.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the social contexts and values underpinning skills development;
- Promote legislation that directly and indirectly supports skills development;
- Apply the relevant strategies to implement skills development laws.
US 117877
(4 credits towards FETC: Human Resource Management SAQA 6743)
This unit standard will provide recognition for individuals who perform or intend to perform one-to-one training on the job. Formal recognition will enhance their employability and also provide a means to identify competent trainers or coaches.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Prepare for one-to-one training on the job;
- Conduct training sessions;
- Monitor and report on learner progress;
- Review training.
US 11473
(8 credits towards FETC: Human Resource Management SAQA 6743)
This unit standard is intended for people who are or who aspire to become supervisors or line managers at any level. Persons credited with this unit standard are able to set performance goals and measures; to formulate development plans; and to monitor and evaluate performance.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Set performance goals and measures;
- Formulate development plans;
- Monitor and evaluate performance.
US 377160
(8 credits towards FETC: Human Resource Management SAQA 6743)
Wellness is a condition of satisfactory balance between the physical, emotional/mental and spiritual parts of the individual human being. Individuals each have an own wellness continuum that fluctuates between ill and well, but each should aim to remain on the well side of the continuum. Thus, even those with chronic illnesses such as Diabetes Mellitus or Cardiac illness may achieve wellness in terms of their personal continuum, once their rehabilitation programme has been personally accepted. This applies to all conditions even to those with paralysis or absence of limbs.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Supply and compare a minimum of three generally accepted definitions of wellness;
- Describe the components of three generally accepted wellness models;
- Identify the commonalities between a minimum of three different wellness models.
US 377162
(4 credits towards FETC: Human Resource Management SAQA 6743)
Wellness is a condition of satisfactory balance between the physical, emotional/mental and spiritual parts of the individual human being. Individuals each have an own wellness continuum that fluctuates between ill and well, but each should aim to remain on the well side of the continuum. Thus even those with chronic illnesses such as Diabetes Mellitus or Cardiac illness may achieve wellness in terms of their personal continuum, once their rehabilitation programme has been personally accepted. This applies to all conditions even to those with paralysis or absence of limbs.
In particular, on the completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Describe how wellness programmes result in health improvement benefits in the workplace;
- Explain how wellness awareness programmes result in commercial benefits for the workplace;
- Explain how wellness awareness programmes benefit the workplace by increasing employee morale.
US 114941
(4 credits towards FETC: Human Resource Management SAQA 6743)
This unit standard provides a broad introduction to HIV/AIDS in the workplace. It introduces knowledge about HIV/AIDS that will enable learners to be informed and caring workers in an industry and managers to develop appropriate policies to deal with the pandemic. The focus is knowledge, skills, values and attitudes in relation to the learner and management with a view to creating a caring environment in the workplace and the community.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Explain HIV and Aids;
- Describe what behaviour is safe and what behaviour carriers risk of HIV transmission;
- Interpret data and trends in HIV/Aids in order to explain the potential impact;
- Investigate the guidelines & assistance that are available to support workers affected by HIV/AIDS;
- Explain the implications of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
US 114274
(8 credits towards FETC: Human Resource Management SAQA 6743)
This Unit Standard is for all people who have to understand and apply the Basic Conditions of Employment Act.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard the learner is able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose and application of the Basic Conditions of Employment;
- Describe the regulation relating to working time and leave as set out in the Basic Conditions;
- Describe the particulars relating to employment, remuneration and termination of employment;
- Demonstrate an understanding of the monitoring, enforcement and legal proceedings as set out.
US 114273
(6 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This Unit Standard is for persons who have to interpret the Labour Relations Act, specifically in terms of Bargaining Councils and Collective Agreements, give advice to clients and implement the various provisions of the Act.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard the learner is able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the creation of the CCMA, its origins, functions and powers;
- Demonstrate an understanding of the creation and the functioning of a Bargaining Council;
- Demonstrate an understanding of Collective Agreements, their origins, structures and legal standing;
- Demonstrate an understanding of extending Collective Agreements to non-parties.
US 11907
(3 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This unit standard is intended for persons who are, or seek to be, specialists in labour and employee relations. Persons credited with this unit standard are able to analyse conditions of employment and draft an employment contract.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Analyse the conditions of employment within the organisation;
- Determine the minimum legal conditions of employment;
- Draft an employment contract.
US 11909
(5 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This unit standard is intended for persons who are preparing to progress to a supervisor or shop steward position. Persons credited with this unit standard are able to advise organisations on the nature and application of statutory and other conditions of employment.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Identify rights and obligations in terms of statues, contracts and agreements;
- Ensure compliance with statutory and other conditions of employment;
- Provide advice on the application of substantive conditions.
US 116927
(10 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
A person credited with this Unit Standard is able to demonstrate an understanding of the theory of transformation, the role of organisational change in South Africa, and the Employment Equity Act (EEA) and how these impact on each other.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- List (comprehensively) the key elements of the Employment Equity legislation;
- Present an understanding of the link between employment equity and the business strategy;
- Determine whether the appropriate relationships exist between Employment Equity and factors impacting on it;
- Identify non-compliance with employment equity strategy and purpose.
US 7848
(5 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
Learners achieving this unit standard should be able to manage the induction programme in an organisation, ensuring it is properly implemented and maintained.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard the learner is able to:
- Explain the importance of inducting new staff into the organisation;
- Distinguish the induction of new employees from the induction of relocated staff;
- Describe how the induction program can be used to elevate existing staff into mentorship roles;
- Allocate parts of the induction process to existing staff;
- Ensure that the induction documentation and materials are current, relevant and complete;
- Ensure that new staff are welcomed and given a detailed tour of the relevant site facilities;
- Ensure that work routines are described accurately and in sufficient detail to enable understanding;
- Ensure that internal procedures are described in sufficient detail to enable understanding;
- Encourage new staff to ask questions and seek clarification, where necessary;
- Advise and assist new staff constructively in the initial performance of allocated work activities;
- Determine whether or not the new employee has been properly integrated into the organisation;
- Suggest ways to improve the existing induction programme.
US 12138
(10 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This unit standard is intended for people who are, or seek to be, specialists in human resources management. Persons credited with this unit standard are able to analyse the current situation, determine and describe agreed present and desired organisational objectives, define the gap, make recommendations for bridging the gap and produce a written report of the results.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Analyse the current situation;
- Determine and describe agreed short- and long-term organisational objectives;
- Define the gap and make recommendations for bridging the gap;
- Produce a written report of the results.
US 114882
(10 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
People credited with this Standard are able to develop a holistic strategy and plans for improving productivity of the organisation on a sustainable basis in order to enhance the organisation's competitiveness, nationally and globally.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Identify the root causes for unacceptable levels of productivity within the organisation;
- Identify priority areas for productivity improvement;
- Develop a productivity improvement strategy;
- Develop plans for implementing the strategy in the identified priority areas.
US 12139
(5 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This unit standard is intended for persons who are, or seek to be, a human resources management or employment relations practitioner at middle management level. Persons credited with this unit standard are able to resolve employee grievances; monitor and adjust the application of the grievance procedure; and evaluate, analyse and address grievance patterns.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Develop structures and procedures to resolve employee grievances;
- Implement structures and procedures to resolve employee grievances;
- Monitor the application of the grievance procedures and adjust when required;
- Evaluate, analyse and address grievance patterns.
US 11286
(8 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This unit standard is intended for people who are, or seek to be a human resources management or employment relations practitioner or a general manager. Persons credited with this unit standard are able to identify and categorise transgression, implement appropriate procedures and represent an employee at a disciplinary hearing.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Identify and classify transgression;
- Implement procedure to handle non-dismissible offences;
- Implement procedure to handle dismissible offences;
- Represent employee at disciplinary hearing.
US 10985
(5 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This unit standard is intended for line managers and human resources practitioners who may be called upon to chair disciplinary hearings. Persons accredited with this unit standard are able to effectively handle hearings and reach reasoned decisions on the basis of evidence presented.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Conduct and manage the hearing;
- Implement procedure to handle non-dismissible offences;
- Hear pleadings;
- Take a decision as to sanction;
- Inform employee of and record decision;
- Ensure that proceedings and decisions are recorded.
US 114886
(8 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This Unit Standard would be of use to persons who have responsibility for measuring, reporting and improving organisational labour productivity.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Design a framework to collate data on quantifiable and qualitative factors;
- Measure the quantifiable factors that influence labour productivity;
- Assess the qualitative factors that influence labour productivity;
- Assess labour effectiveness.
US 10148
(14 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This unit standard forms part of the qualification, National Certificate Project Management and is registered at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework. Learners accessing this standard will be involved in project management teams or involved in building small project management teams. These projects may be technical projects, business projects or developmental projects and will cut across a range of economic sectors. This standard will also add value to learners who are running their own business and recognise that project management forms an integral component of any business.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Discuss and explain the appropriateness of the various organisational structures;
- Supervise and monitor a business project team;
- Report progress on a business project;
- Identify and rectify problem occurring in a business project;
- Set up, run and close a business project.
US 15220
(4 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This Unit Standard is intended for managers in all economic sectors. These managers would typically be second level managers such as a heads of department, section heads or divisional heads, and may have more than one team reporting to them.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Set goals and objectives;
- Establish performance standards;
- Set monitoring systems;
- Monitor and measure the achievement of objectives.
US 15230
(4 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This is a Unit Standard intended for managers in all economic sectors. These managers would typically be second level managers such as heads of department, section heads or divisional heads, and may have more than one team reporting to them.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Establish performance standards and monitoring systems;
- Prepare for performance review of team member;
- Conduct performance review interview.
US 15214
(3 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This is a Unit Standard intended for managers in all economic sectors. These managers would typically be second level managers such as a heads of department, section heads or divisional heads, and may have more than one team reporting to them.
in particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Recognise areas in need of change;
- Make recommendations for change;
- Implement change.
US 15229
(3 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This is a Unit Standard intended for managers in all economic sectors. These managers would typically be second level managers such as a heads of department, section heads or divisional heads, and may have more than one team reporting to them.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Describe the code of conduct;
- Communicate the code of conduct;
- Apply the code of conduct.
US 15215
(4 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This is a Unit Standard intended for managers in all economic sectors. These managers would typically be second level managers such as a heads of department, section heads or divisional heads, and may have more than one team reporting to them.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Identify best practice guidelines;
- Analyse current operating practices against identified best practices;
- Draw up plan for implementing best practices;
- Implement best practice.
US 264398
(5 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This Unit Standard is for learners who are already managers of functions or aspiring to become managers of functions. This Unit Standard meets the needs of the sector and of the society by providing competent function managers who, by being able to strategically lead their function, contribute to the effective management of the function.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Develop the vision for the function;
- Describe the leader’s role within the function in relation to the vision;
- Improve own leadership within the function.
US 15221
(4 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This Unit Standard is for people who are involved in some capacity in human resource development. This Unit Standard will be of particular application for those involved in skills development facilitation.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Provide information and advice on legislation related to skills development;
- Provide information and advice concerning learning and assessment;
- Provide advice to an organisation concerning the promotion of skills development.
US 15232
(6 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This Unit Standard will be useful to people who oversee or manage education, training and skills development within organisations according to agreed development plans. The Unit Standard will be especially useful to skills development facilitators, training managers and human resource development practitioners.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Identify and prioritise Learner’s learning requirements;
- Plan and organise learning interventions;
- Co-ordinate learning interventions;
- Review and report on learning interventions.
US 15217
(6 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This Unit Standard will be useful to people who are involved in the development and implementation of training and development plans for organisations. The Unit Standard will be especially useful to skills development facilitators, training managers and human resource development practitioners.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Conduct an analysis to identify and define the skills requirements of the organisation;
- Analyse current skills and develop skills profile of the organisation;
- Define training and development needs and establish priorities;
- Develop a training and development plan.
US 15228
(10 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This Unit Standard will be useful to people who are involved in the development and implementation of training and development plans for organisations. The Unit Standard will be especially useful to skills development facilitators, training managers and human resource development practitioners.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Assist in the identification and interpretation of quality assurance;
- Plan and prepare to assist in the design and establishment of a quality management system;
- Assist in the design of a quality management system for skills development practices;
- Assist in the development of effectiveness indicators for skills development practices;
- Assist in the establishment of a quality management system for skills development practices;
- Assist in the implementation and improvement of a quality management system for skills development.
US 117871
(10 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This unit standard will provide recognition for those who facilitate or intend to facilitate learning using a variety of given methodologies. Formal recognition will enhance their employability and also provide a means to identify competent learning facilitators.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Plan and prepare for facilitation;
- Facilitate learning;
- Evaluate learning and facilitation.
US 115753
(15 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This generic assessor unit standard is for those who assess people for their achievement of learning outcomes in terms of specified criteria using pre-designed assessment instruments. The outcomes and criteria may be defined in a range of documents including but not limited to unit standards, exit level outcomes, assessment standards, curriculum statements and qualifications.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Demonstrate understanding of outcomes-based assessment;
- Prepare for assessments;
- Conduct assessments;
- Provide feedback on assessments;
- Review Assessments.
US 252041
(5 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This Unit Standard will be useful to people who are involved in planning, managing and/or implementing training and development within organisations. The Unit Standard will be especially useful to skills development facilitators, training managers and human resource development practitioners.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Investigate and analyse the status of the learning culture with the organisation;
- Develop strategies for the promotion of a learning culture within the organisation;
- Implement strategies to promote a learning culture.
US 115830
(10 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This Unit Standard is for learners who wish to develop their own ability to offer SMMEs professional, technical and managerial advice or similar types of assistance. It is for learners who are actively involved or wish to become involved in appraising and rehabilitating SMMEs at all stages of their life-cycle.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Monitor own activity in dealing with clients of an SMME;
- Analyse and record business performance and activity;
- Maintain capability in own elective/specialist area;
- Develop professional business advisory practice to adapt to technical and environmental change.
US 120311
(10 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This Unit Standard will be useful to learners who are working within a Public Sector, Local Government, commercial or community environment, and will fulfill a leadership role as part of their job. This Unit Standard will also add value to public officials who are working with integrated development planning or public sector management and administration specialists.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Explain the purpose of visionary thinking in a leadership context;
- Analyse current context and trends to develop strategy;
- Compile scenario plans;
- Apply selected scenarios into strategic and business planning processes;
- Evaluate scenario planning.
US 259143
(4 credits towards ND: Human Resource Management SAQA 61592)
This Unit Standard is intended specifically for learners in senior and middle management in the Public Service who need to understand the importance of integrated human resource planning. It may be useful for managers in other organisations.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Explain the role of a strategic plan in the achievement of an organisation’s mandate;
- Explain the role of a strategic human resource plan in enabling an organisation to reach its deliverables;
- Discuss the importance of integrated human resource planning;
- Develop a human resource intervention to meet changing or emerging needs.
US 119924
(4 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
The learner credited with this unit standard will be able to interpret and apply the provisions of the Labour Relations Act (LRA) relating to organisational rights and refusal to bargain disputes, in dispute resolution, in terms of South African Labour Legislation and/or recognised dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement and/or private agency.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Explain and interpret types of organisational rights;
- Explain the process of obtaining and exercising organisational rights conferred in legislation;
- Describe the dispute resolution process and necessary factors relating to disputes and organisational rights;
- Explain the limitation of the right to strike and the recourse to lockout pertaining to organisational rights as set out in legislation.
US 119955
(8 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
The learner credited with this unit standard will be able to apply codes of good practice in dispute resolution, in terms of South African Labour Legislation and/or recognised dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement and/or private agency.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Interpret and apply the code of good practice relating to dismissals as set out in the labour Relations Act (LRA);
- Interpret and apply the code of good practice relating to picketing as set out in the LRA;
- Interpret and apply the code of good practice relating to the handling of sexual harassment cases as set out in the LRA;
- Interpret and apply the code of good practice relating to dismissals based on operational requirements as set out in the LRA;
- Interpret and apply the guidance relating to balloting regarding closed shop agreements as set out in the LRA.
US 119943
(8 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
The learner credited with this Unit standard will be able to apply the Employment Equity Act (EEA) 55 of 1998 to industry charters and diversity management.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Outline the definitions, purpose and application of the employment equity legislation;
- Explain the prohibition on unfair discrimination;
- Define Affirmative Action (AA);
- Identify the functions and workings of the Commission of Employment Equity;
- Describe the application of employment equity in industry charters;
- Describe Diversity Management and the impact of industry charters in the workplace.
US 11950
(10 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
The learner credited with this unit standard will be have working knowledge and understanding of the functions, powers and duties of mediating bodies such as the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA), Bargaining Councils and Labour Court in Labour relations, in dispute resolution in terms of South African Labour Legislation and/or recognised dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement and/or private agency.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Compare and analyse the functions of the CCMA, Bargaining Councils and Labour Courts in labour relations;
- Compare the duties of the CCMA, Bargaining Councils and the Labour Courts in context of labour relations;
- Compare the powers of the three main statutory bodies established under the LRA in labour relations.
US 119940
(6 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
The learner credited with this unit standard will be able to analyse, interpret and apply the provisions of unfair labour practice (ULP) in terms of the Labour Relations Act (LRA), 66 of 1995, in dispute resolution, in terms of South African Labour Legislation and/or recognised dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement and/or private agency.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Explain the right of employees not to be subjected to unfair labour practice;
- Explain the appropriate referral times for unfair labour practice disputes;
- Explain the burden of onus, the remedies and limits on compensation for unfair labour practice disputes;
- Present information relating to unfair labour practices.
US 119944
(10 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
A person credited with this Unit standard will be able to identify unfair labour practice (ULP) in terms of the Labour Relations Act (LRA), 66 of 1995, in dispute resolution, in terms of South African Labour Legislation and/or recognised dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement and/or private agency.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Explain the right not to be unfairly dismissed and the meanings of dismissal and unfair dismissal;
- Explain the relation between the date of dismissal and appropriate referral times in dismissal disputes;
- Explain the burden of onus, the remedies and limits on compensation for unfair dismissal disputes;
- Prepare and explain flow diagrams relating to unfair dismissals;
- Explain relevant guidelines in the Code of good practice;
- Differentiate between substantive and procedural fairness.
US 119939
(6 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
The learner credited with this unit standard will be able to conduct negotiations as required of a mediator in dispute resolution in the South African Labour Legislation environment and/or organisational dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement and/or private agency.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Identify the core elements of the negotiation process;
- Select and apply a range of negotiation methods, techniques and tactics;
- Plan, prepare and evaluate a negotiation;
- Compare different mediation processes.
US 115326
(6 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
This unit is for learners in the policing environment that will identify and apply the principles of the Law of Evidence in order to prove alleged crimes in a court of Law
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Explain the position of the Law of Evidence within the legal system;
- Demonstrate an understanding of the procedure during a trail;
- Explain and apply the principles of the concept burden of proof,
- Explain and apply the principle prima facie and decisive proof evidence,
- Explain and apply the principle of cautionary rules,
- Explain and apply the principle of presumption;
- Explain and apply confessions, admissions and pointing out;
- Explain and apply the concept privilege;
- Explain and apply the concepts admissibility and relevancy;
- Explain and apply the concept Hearsay evidence;
- Explain and apply the concept real evidence;
- Explain and apply the principles of refreshing of one's memory.
US 1199552
(6 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
The learner credited with this unit standard will have working knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of evidence, in dispute resolution, in terms of South African Labour Legislation and/or recognised dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement and/or private agency.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Describe the relevance and admissibility of evidence;
- Apply an understanding of character and privileged evidence;
- Apply an understanding of similar fact evidence;
- Apply knowledge and insight into opinion evidence;
- Describe the categories and reliability of evidence;
- Apply knowledge and insight regarding hearsay evidence.
US 119929
(6 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
The learner credited with this unit standard will be able to manage and preside over in limine hearings in terms of South African Labour Legislation and/or recognised dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement and/or private agency. The learner will be able to issue a ruling and evaluate the effectiveness of the in limine hearing, in dispute resolution, in terms of South African Labour Legislation and/or recognised dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement and/or private agency.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Prepare for an in limine hearing in terms of South African labour legislation and/or dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement;
- Conduct an in limine hearing process;
- Prepare and make an appropriate in limine ruling;
- Evaluate the in limine hearing.
US 114229
(8 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
The person credited with this Unit Standard is able to conduct a pre-conciliation process by telephone.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the rationale of the pre-conciliation process;
- Conduct a pre-conciliation by telephone;
- Conclude a pre-conciliation.
US 119946
(12 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
The learner credited with this unit standard will be able to serve as a conciliator of conflict and disputes in terms of South African Labour Legislation and/or recognised dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement and/or private agency. The learner will be able to prepare and conduct a conciliation process and evaluate the effectiveness of the conciliation process.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Prepare for a labour conciliation process in terms of South African labour legislation;
- Conduct a conciliation process;
- Identify and implement the different procedures of the conciliation and arbitration processes;
- Evaluate the conciliation process and results.
US 119930
(6 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
The learner credited with this unit standard will be able to conduct and administer referrals and submissions in a labour conciliation process in dispute resolution, in terms of South African Labour Legislation and/or recognised dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement and/or private agency.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Define the purpose of screening of Referrals;
- Define and apply the term "Jurisdiction";
- Conduct the screening of a referral;
- Complete the screening of a referral.
US 119941
(12 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
The learner credited with this unit standard will be able to manage arbitration, prepare and conduct an arbitration process, deliver an award and evaluate the process, in dispute resolution, in terms of South African Labour Legislation and/or recognised dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement and/or private agency.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Prepare an arbitration process in terms of South African labour legislation and/or dispute resolution procedures in Bargaining Council Collective Agreements;
- Conduct and preside over an arbitration process;
- Evaluate the arbitration process and results.
US 119934
(5 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
The learner credited with this unit standard will be able to issue an appropriate ruling in terms of a standard test in a condonation application, in dispute resolution, in terms of South African Labour Legislation and/or recognised dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement and/or private agency.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Evaluate referrals and apply the relevant factors in a condonation application;
- Explain the statutory process of applying for condonation;
- Identify the timeframes for referrals of dismissals, automatic unfair dismissals and unfair labour practice disputes.
US 119925
(6 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
The learner credited with this unit standard will be able to consider applications filed in terms of S200A of the Labour Relations Act (LRA) and dispute resolution procedures in Bargaining Council Collective Agreements and/or private agencies; Prepare and conduct a conciliation process in terms of S64 (2) and relevant legislation, write an advisory award and evaluate the process, in dispute resolution, in terms of South African Labour Legislation and/or recognised dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement and/or private agency.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Draft an advisory award;
- Identify and explain the various phases of the conciliation process;
- Consider an application and render an advisory award.
US 119933
(8 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
The learner credited with this unit standard will be able to prepare, write and issue an arbitration award in dispute resolution in terms of South African Labour Legislation and/or recognised dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement and/or private agency.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Review and consider the evidence offered during the arbitration as distinct parts and as a whole;
- Research appropriate case law and precedents;
- Make a finding, draft and finalise the award;
- Issue the arbitration award.
US 119945
(6 credits towards ND: Labour Relations Practice SAQA 93944)
The learner credited with this unit standard will be able to consider a rescission and a variation application, evaluate the elements of rescission and variation applications, and deliver a decision, in dispute resolution, in terms of South African Labour Legislation, and/or recognised dispute resolution procedures in a bargaining council collective agreement and/or private agency.
In particular, on completion of this Unit Standard, the learner is able to:
- Consider a rescission application in terms of South African labour legislation and judicial precedent;
- Consider a variation application in terms of South African labour legislation and judicial precedents;
- Deliver a rescission decision in terms of South African labour legislation and judicial precedents;
- Deliver a variation decision in terms of South African labour legislation and judicial precedent.
Other Courses (Non-Credit Bearing)
We can design and develop any short course or soft skills training as required by your individual company needs. These courses can include anything from supervisory, management and leadership training including, but not limited to, organisational development/design, transformational leadership, change management, conflict management, strategic management, personal development, coaching, problem solving, employee wellness, executive coaching, mentoring and any employee, leadership and organisational developmental requirements.