Skills Development

We assist companies to implement the Skills Development in their businesses by acting as Skills Development Facilitators (SDF) according to the regulations as Gazetted. We will see that your company complies with the SETA regulations in order to claim back your grants (planning & implementation). We also assist with the implementation of Skills Programmes and Learnerships.

The SDF function is on a monthly retainer basis and the following services are included:

  • Assisting companies in claiming mandatory grants from the relevant SETAs.
  • Providing your business with an External Skills Development Facilitator.
  • Appointing a Training Committee and participating in these meetings quarterly.
  • Developing, implementing and submitting a Workplace Skills Plan to the relevant SETA on behalf of the employer. Generic companies are required to submit Workplace Skills Plans (WSP) in order to be eligible for BEE-points in terms of the Skills Development element.
  • Compiling and submitting an Annual Training Report to the relevant SETA on behalf of the employer.
  • Record-keeping of training done, in order to submit claims to the respective SETAs, for mandatory grants.
  • Advising the employer regarding discretionary grants and PIVOTAL programmes.
  • Acting as medium for communicating information between the employer and the relevant SETA.
  • Assistance with the lodging of claims and refunding of levies.
  • Providing telephonic advice on any matter relating to Skills Development.

Current Training Schedule